
Showing posts from March 24, 2010

Prof. Udai Pareek passed away

Professor Udai Pareek was a great researcher, consultant, philosopher and teacher in Psychology. He was the ideal role mode of free-lance writer in Psychology. He was attached with several academic and administrative bodies of India and abroad. He completed MA in Psychology from the Department of Psychology, Calcutta university in 1950. Next, he did M.A. in Philosophy from Agra University in 1952. In 1958, he did Ph.D. from Delhi University . He was the Editor of the Journal of Health Management, Indian Psychological Abstracts, Vikalpa and consulting Editor of Administrative Science Quarterly. He had authored and edited around 60 books and more than 350 papers in his lifetime and received many national and international awards in the field of human resource development. He focused researches on different psychological issues (training and development, role stress, organizational design, transformational leadership) in both unorganized (agricultural, small scale industries) and org...