
Showing posts from 2011

General Guidelines for Report Writing in Special Education Research

Dr. D. Dutta Roy, Ph.D. Psychology Research Unit Indian Statistical Institute 203, B.T. Road, Kolkata – 700 108 E-mail: http://www.isical. MANOVIKASH KENDRA, 4.12.2011, 10 AM to 12 Noon TYPES OF SPECIAL EDUCATION RESEARCH Scientific research: It aims at development of theory on special education. It is used by the scientific communities. Reporting of results follow standard guidelines provided by specific scientific groups concerned with disabilities or special education. Action research: It is action oriented. It has no intention to develop theory. Generally, it is project oriented. Reporting of results follow the guidelines provided by the fund providers. Both report distribution of cause-effect variables using either qualitative or quantitative manners or in both. WHY RESEARCH REPORTING ? Special educational research is a continuing process. It is the process of repeated search. Research findings may be affected by different errors due to ...

Workshop on 'Assessing Reading and Writing motivation of primary school students' 27.11.2011

Following workshop will be held in the First InSPA National Conference, Jodhpur. Date: 27th November, 2011 Session 25 Prof. T.E. Shanmugam Hall Workshop 2.00pm Chair: Prof. V.P. Sivakumar, NITTTR, Chennai 2.05 pm Debdulal Dutta Roy Assessing Reading and Writing Motivation of Primary School Students Title: Assessing Reading and Writing motivation of primary school students Reading and writing motivation is the key concept in school psychology. School counselors often encounter with concentration difficulty, aggression, school phobia, negligence to study, interpersonal conflict with school teachers or tutors and peer group. Finally this leads to high absenteeism, indiscipline in school and dropout. It has been noted that when school students are counseled with intrinsic reading and writing motivation, they perform better in the school. Students who scored better in the school examination are more intrinsically motivated. This is observed when scores of reading and writing motivation...

paired-t test and product moment correlation using spss

In this result, no significant mean differences are found between scores of two administration. And no significant high correlation was found between two scores.


PCOS often causes depression. What is PCOS ? Polycystic ovary syndrome (say “pah-lee-SIS-tik OH-vuh-ree SIN-drohm”) is a problem in which a woman’s hormones are out of balance. It can cause problems with your periods and make it difficult to get pregnant. PCOS may also cause unwanted changes in the way you look. If it is not treated, over time it can lead to serious health problems, such as diabetes and heart disease. Polycystic ovary syndrome (or PCOS) is common, affecting as many as 1 in 15 women. Often the symptoms begin in the teen years. Treatment can help control the symptoms and prevent long-term problems. What are the symptoms? Symptoms tend to be mild at first. You may have only a few symptoms or a lot of them. The most common symptoms are: Acne. Weight gain and trouble losing weight. Extra hair on the face and body. Often women get thicker and darker facial hair and more hair on the chest, belly, and back. ...

Teaching pedagogy for change in layers of consciousness: Problem of school psychology

Teaching pedagogy View more presentations from ddroy

Rank data

Cluster analysis of heterogeneous rank data An Analysis of Rank Ordered Data

Public Finance

Trend and growth in expenditure of Indian states The article provides basic knowledge about classification of expenditure, trends in expenditure across different states of India and possible reasons. Public expenditure on Education in India Public good theory For SIP trainess of MBA in financial management of Narula Institute of Technology. Sandip Nag Priyaranjan Kumar Singh


Psychoinformatics is one of the innovations in mining randomized psychological data. Through this technique we can mine data in any form (text, image and numeric) and can develop pattern based on relations among data. It includes five principles : psychological data warehouse, data retrieving, data mining, pattern recognition. The model integrates psychology, statistics, mathematics and computer science. The model is useful in (a) assessing validity of web based computer adaptive training modules; (b) mining data from social network message board for exploring research variables; (c) analysis of drawing to understand changes in level of consciousness (d) classification of psychiatric disorders for hospital management; (e) job analysis. Reference: Dutta Roy, D. (2010). Psychoinformatics: innovation in mining randomized data. Psybernews, 1,1, 23-31. WORKSHOP WORKSHOP 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Data, Information and knowledge 1.2. Informatics and its uses in business intelligence 1.3. Statist...

Relation between writer and reader

By writing, writer develops one psychological field within the reader's consciousness. This provides support to make one reader as writer. It would be misnomer to assume that psychological field of the writer and reader will be same always. The more one writes, the more one becomes analytical. This analysis sometimes gives joy and sometimes develops anxiety. When reader inhibits writer to express the ideas. Writer maintains silence. His roaming mind or consciousness fails to fly here and there.

Teaching Conflict in consciousness through Shyama Gitinatya

13. 4. 2011 Tagore composed Shyama Gitinatya. It includes approach avoidance conflict across three layers of consciousness - murta, raaga and saraswat layers. When elements are passing to each layer, conflict occurs. I have noted two different styles of conflict management - Uttiya style and Bajrasen style. Both have noted conflict in saraswat layer. It appears to me that this is most stressful. Taught students of performing art therapy centre of Rabindra Bharati University the followings: What is consciousness ? Why do we study consciousness in performing art therapy course ? What are the layers of consciousness ? What are their characteristics ? How does stimulus change its characteristics when it passes across layers ? What is the difference between perception and apperception ? What is conflict ? What are the types of conflict ? What are the styles of conflict management ? Students sang songs of Shyama and other songs of Tagore, danced and were highly delighted. Co-ordinator said t...

With students of Performing Art Therapy



This paper has been presented in the 1ST International Conference on People Management in Organizations: Issues & Challenges, Jyotirmoy School of Business, Jyotirmoy Knowledge Park, Kalikapur, Sonarpur, Kolkata – 743330 EXPLORING WORK VALUES IN RABINDRASANGEET Debdulal Dutta Roy, Psychology Research Unit Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata & Esa Bandopadhyay Performing Art Therapy Centre Rabindrabharati University,Kolkata Date: 31.12.2010 Abstract Importance : With the increasing complexity and industrialization of society work for many people has become more and more simply a means towards the end of earning a living. However, we are in danger of over-generalizing this trend and pushing it to its logical conclusion, expecting that working serves only a means function. Work value contingent upon tangible rewards induces dissonance in the Quality of working life in the organization. It is embedded dimension within the cultural fabric of society. One can understand the cult...