
Showing posts from August, 2009

Panel engineers

On 14th and 15th August, I visited one very big petroleum plant and interviewed several panel engineers in the control rooms. I noticed that several judgments of the engineers based on the panel data The panels are like: . They observe, monitor changes and take control operations. During the operations, they give priority on quality control, safety and others. Slight delay or poor calibrations can create huge loss (crore in terms of rupees) of the company. Other problems are job is monotonous and under their capacity utilization. This results high attrition rate. In other words, executive functions of working memory and attitudes play critical role in job success and company excellence. Is any body here who are doing researches on job or ability taxonomy of panel engineers ? Some survey was conducted but not related to individual or team productivity. So, the survey results are not very much conclusive.

Nice gesture of one Business School

It is a nice experience to spend some time with the President, Director,Advisor, Mentor of Jyotirmay school of business. I was invited by the Director as an expert to select faculties across different levels. The institute has high vision to develop business capability among the students. In the process of interview, it comes to my mind that the Institute gives priority on different management methodology, techniques and tools besides depth in subject oriented knowledge. Candidate of economics, computer science, statistics perform better if they will be able to relate their knowledge with problems of management. For example, one knows about oracle or C++ or SAP, he must be confident in application of those programming in business solutions like ERP. I think that this is good approach, if the students are aware of methodology, he can innovate new techniques to solve business solutions. Another area is more important. This is knowledge about full process. For example, mere awareness of ...