Career Counselling

Planning for career is not a mechanical process - just log on and start career. It is related to satisfaction and achievement. Fit between personality and the working environment provides satsifaction in career. John Holland's theory of career development suggests that people seek work environments that fit their personality. He suggests that there are 6 different personality types that are listed below. Most people have 2 or possibly 3 different types that describe them best.

1. Realistic : Technically & Athletically Inclined People prefer to work with their hands and tools to build, repair, or grow things, often outdoors.Dislike educational or therapeutic activities, self-expression, working with people, and new ideas.Traits: stable, materialistic, frank, practical, self-reliant.

Athletic Trainer, Auto Mechanic, Carpenter, electrician, EMT, Engineer, Farmer, Forester, Gardener, Horticultural worker, Military Enlisted, Military Officer, Plumber, Police Officer, Radiologic Technologist, Small Business Owner, Vocational Agriculture Teacher

2. Investigative: Abstract Problem Solvers prefer to work on their own, observing, learning, investigating, and solving problems, frequently in a scientifically related area.Dislike repetitive activities and working with people.Traits: analytical, independent, curious, precise.


Audiologist, Biologist, Chemist, Chiropractor, College Professor, Computer Programmer, Dentist, Dietician, Geographer, Geologist, Mathematician, Medical Technician, Optometrist, Pharmacist, Physician, Physicist, Psychologist, Research and Development Manager, Respiratory Therapist, Science Teacher, Sociologist, Veterinarian, Astronaut, Biochemist, Cartographer, Ecologist, Inventor, Medical Researcher, Meteorologist, Scientific illustrator, Software Engineer, Social Scientist, Web Site Designer

3. Artistic: Idea Creators prefer to work with their minds--innovating, imagining, and creating.Dislike structured situations, rules, and physical work.Traits: imaginative, idealistic, original, intuitive, expressive.

Advertising executive, Architect, Artist, Commercial Artist, Fine Art Teacher, Broadcaster, Corporate Trainer, English Teacher, Interior Decorator, Lawyer, Librarian, Medical Illustrator, Musician, Photographer, Public Administrator, Public Relations Director, Reporter, Sociologist, Technical Writer, Translator

4. Social: People Helpers like to work with people--informing, enlightening, helping, training, developing, or curing them.Dislike machinery and physical exertion.Traits: cooperative, understanding, helpful, tactful, sociable, ethical.

Athletic Trainer, Child care provider, Community Service Director, Dietician, Elementary School Teacher, Foreign Language Teacher, Elementary School Teacher, High School Counselor, Home Economics Teacher, Minister, Nurse, Occupational Therapist, Parks and Recreation Coordinator, Physical Education Teacher, Physical Therapist, School Administrator, Social Science Teacher, Social Worker, Special Education Teacher, Speech Pathologist

5. Enterprising: People Influencers like to work with people--influencing, leading, or managing them.Dislike precise work, concentrated intellectual work, and systematic activities.Traits: persuasive, domineering, energetic, ambitious, flirtatious.
Jamshedji TATA

Agribusiness Manager, Buyer, Chef, Dental Hygienist, Elected Official, Flight Attendant, Florist, Hair Stylist, Human Resources Director, Interior Decorator, Investments Manager, Life Insurance Agent, Marketing Executive, Optician, Purchasing Agent, Realtor, Restaurant Manager, Store Manager, Travel Agent

6. Conventional: Data & Detail People prefer to work with words and numbers, carrying out detailed instructions.Dislike ambiguity, unstructured, unsystematized activities.Traits: conscientious, orderly, self-controlled.
Math teacher

Accountant, Actuary, Banker, Bookkeeper, Business Education Teacher, Credit Manager, Dental Assistant, Farmer, Food Service Manager, Mathematics Teacher, Medical Records Technician, Military Enlisted Personnel, Nursing Home Administrator, Paralegal, Secretary, Small Business Owner



Prog. was conducted by a group of clubs of Barahnagar. I related career to the river. Used acronyms in this order:
C: Conception
A: Affect
R: Reflect
E: Expert
E: Engineer
R: Restore

I put more effort on career engineering like
PC Mahalanobish
, Rabindranath Tagore etc.

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