Geriatric Stress and Care Giver's role
a) Do they have phone ?
b) car license ?
c) Living close to you house ?
d) Do they have adequate eldercare experience?
e) Do they speak, read and write your language at a reasonable level?
f) Do they have any objection to being fingerprinted?
g) Have they ever been arrested or convicted?
h) Are they reliable, punctual, what duties they have performed and if there were any problems.
i) By visiting the care giver's own home, get idea about level of cleanliness
2. Self-Care: With age elder people notice difficulties in self care activities. Therefore, care giver should pay attention to the several tasks - Toileting

diapering, bathing

, brushing and flossing teeth, eating with forks

wax out of ears, applying make up, trimming nails, dressing, cooking, serving, feeding, administering medications, housekeeping, laundry, shopping, running errands, answering phone calls, keeping medical and dental appointments, providing social interaction,

Collected picture from
3. Dementia: Repeated bizarre or unusual behaviour like use of embarassaing language that is out of character is the indicator of dementia. Role of care giver will be to correct them every time by changing the way of presentation. Care giver should keep temper under control, or can walk away until she can regain it. Role-playing can be used to teach appropriate behavior. Make it simple with specific dialogue showing them the proper way to ask for your help. "I'd appreciate it if you could hand me the television remote ... I'm glad you came to see me today ... Change your perception and don't escalate the problem into a screaming match or expect a rational discussion. When you are being called offensive names, do not respond. Acknowledge them only when you are being called by your correct name. Give three warnings, use the silent treatment, walk away immediately if the behavior does not stop.
4. Suspicious tendency : If caregiver finds suspicious tendency among the elders, her rold is not to argue the irrational fear but to calmly acknowledge how awful it must be to feel that way and assure them you don't think they are crazy. Make them feel safe, loved, and assured of your continued support. Report these symptoms with examples to their doctor. If you get an unconcerned attitude from their doctor that it's just part of the aging process, insist on taking them to a geriatric psychiatrist for evaluation. With the proper medication, these fears may be checked.
5. Death wish : This could be an ulterior motive to get more attention, or it may be a sign of depression. Carefully evaluate what's going on.