developing and studing creative consciousness
For last 2 days, I trained some Professors of AICTE approved colleges of different states at VGSOM, IIT., Kharagpur.
There I taught practical leadership by the invitation of Prof. Biplab Kumar Dutta.
During the training, I made some team building exercises using infrastructure project.
Following steps were followed:
1. Developing creative consciousness by brain storming the vision statement of projects;
2. Selection of 2 vision statements on empowerment and national integration;
3. Enabling them in formulating the projects;
4. Empowering and energizing them to design 2 models based on their project plans;
5. Describing the projects;
6. Facing conflict situation;
7. Creating trust on self, task, principles and on vision
8. Finally analysis of their perception to self and to others and to the total training process.
I have experienced many ups and downs in developing and managing creative consciousness.
In another session on Competency Development for New Management Faculty on 18th July, 2008 from 9:30 to 19:00.
I did one experiment with Prof. Sayeed's EI scale at IIT.,
Kharagpur. Two groups of faculties were instructed to make project using
plasticine or clay models within 30 minutes on any current issue of India. One
group made project on education and other on national integration. Education
project was highly appreciated by both groups finally.
Later on EI scale was administered to all the trainees. Results revealed
higher EI profile for the members of education project.
It seems to me that EI has effect on innovation and team building.
Total training program was video recorded by the convener of the program.
With regards,
Dr. D. Dutta Roy
Comment of Professor Sayeed
"Dear Dr. Roy,
It is very nice to hear from you. I appreciate your effort for trying to be a little different from general run of trainers. Unfortunately our trainers are mostly doing blah blah teaching without introducing a loop of innovation in their work such as measuring certain processes in a naturally occurring environment (partly quasi-experimental design of researcch) and then making an attempt to accumulate data over number of sessions and report them as descriptive-cum-analytical paper. We are all seeing extensive training work is going on but with zero level productivity. Enough earning is there in the corporate world but without some publishable paper work. Your attempt is truly appreciable as it has been done very spontaneously.
With warm regards,
Dr OB Sayeed"
There I taught practical leadership by the invitation of Prof. Biplab Kumar Dutta.
During the training, I made some team building exercises using infrastructure project.
Following steps were followed:
1. Developing creative consciousness by brain storming the vision statement of projects;
2. Selection of 2 vision statements on empowerment and national integration;
3. Enabling them in formulating the projects;
4. Empowering and energizing them to design 2 models based on their project plans;
5. Describing the projects;
6. Facing conflict situation;
7. Creating trust on self, task, principles and on vision
8. Finally analysis of their perception to self and to others and to the total training process.
I have experienced many ups and downs in developing and managing creative consciousness.
In another session on Competency Development for New Management Faculty on 18th July, 2008 from 9:30 to 19:00.
I did one experiment with Prof. Sayeed's EI scale at IIT.,
Kharagpur. Two groups of faculties were instructed to make project using
plasticine or clay models within 30 minutes on any current issue of India. One
group made project on education and other on national integration. Education
project was highly appreciated by both groups finally.
Later on EI scale was administered to all the trainees. Results revealed
higher EI profile for the members of education project.
It seems to me that EI has effect on innovation and team building.
Total training program was video recorded by the convener of the program.
With regards,
Dr. D. Dutta Roy
Comment of Professor Sayeed
"Dear Dr. Roy,
It is very nice to hear from you. I appreciate your effort for trying to be a little different from general run of trainers. Unfortunately our trainers are mostly doing blah blah teaching without introducing a loop of innovation in their work such as measuring certain processes in a naturally occurring environment (partly quasi-experimental design of researcch) and then making an attempt to accumulate data over number of sessions and report them as descriptive-cum-analytical paper. We are all seeing extensive training work is going on but with zero level productivity. Enough earning is there in the corporate world but without some publishable paper work. Your attempt is truly appreciable as it has been done very spontaneously.
With warm regards,
Dr OB Sayeed"