Performing Art Therapy Syllabus (Psychology)

Performing art therapy = Music (instrument + song)+ dance+drama.

Introduction to Psychology:

  1. Perception of Musical patterns;(Gestalt theory)
  2. Musical Intelligence;(Olav Skill's theory)
  3. Thinking and imagery process;(Moreno's theory)
  4. Learning;(Pavlov,Skinner,Titchner,Gestalists,Tolman)
  5. Musical communication:joint attention,intention and emotion;
  6. Musical Identity;
  7. Consciouness

Effect of music on cognition, emotion and psycho motor coordination

  1. Cognitive Neuropsychology and Music [Book on Music therapy and rehabilitation]
  2. Theory of arousal and effect of music on stress (John Slobda)
  3. Principles of psycho-motor coordination

Psychoanalytic, creative, behavioral and receptive music therapy


  1. What is dance therapy?
  2. Dance Therapy

1. Cognition: Learning music requires focused attention, abstract, relational thinking and fluid intelligene (called "executive control").
Study: Effects of Music Training on Brain and Cognitive Development in Under-Privileged 3- to 5-Year-Olds - Preliminary Results


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