Reciprocal determinism

Albert Bandura suggested that environment causes behavior, true; but behavior causes environment as well. He labeled this concept reciprocal determinism: The world and a person’s behavior cause each other.

Later, he went a step further. He began to look at personality as an interaction among three “things:” the environment, behavior, and the person’s psychological processes. These psychological processes consist of our ability to entertain images in our minds, and language. At the point where he introduces imagery, in particular, he ceases to be a strict behaviorist, and begins to join the ranks of the cognitivists. In fact, he is often considered a “father” of the cognitivist movement!


Here is one example. I get this from one of the members of Indian Psychologist group in Yahoo. She wrote:

a new member in family but in profession 4 yrs
Intially i went athrough all the things mentioned here, and it was to some extent heart shattering
But things have changed I come from small city like Jodhpur thankfully my all 4 principals (I am working 4 schools)
i go daily for an hour, and they are highly reputed school in my areas..they have started acknowledging my work, my students love me liek anything and yes teaching stafff support def is less
but what i did was wen they used to send me for susbstitution n stuff i used to take group sessions
gradually children started opening up
i started with teachers workshop in free time and gradually they opend up
and after 1 year now i m working fullfledged as apsychological counselor in schools, AFWWA and oen infertility clinic
CBSE rule book says a Counselor need to be either MA (Psy)or MSc(Human dev)
I did my Ph.D in Human development Teh rule book i saw was in mys chool but it is on net also
As abour Infertlity clinic where i m working "the new ART bill) has also made it mandatory
so i feel at times we need to do things indirect manner to get direct result
it was hard raod at times demeaning but it was worth :)
so my dear frends dont lose heart we wil make it
the point is we all are passionate about it
the most imp concern what i feel is
there si no place who regsiter COUNSELORS they only talk abt mental health , this send negative image amongst our clients
i m affliate to american psychological association and Britain Association for counseling and psychotherapy
but no where in india
can neone suggest me that pls .....i need a registration for a NORMAL COUNSELOR
not merely Mental health professional
Her another statement:
No sir I am just trying its just that if lose heart there is no point

Society will always pull back we have to make the path
I firmly believe we have to be in system to fight the system and with right attitude we will and we can do it


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