Raaj pichle janam ka (The Mystery of Past Life)

I have seen only one episode. It comes to my mind that feeling of incompleteness haunts the being for ever. Each wants to be complete being. Psychopathology comes out of incompleteness in our different layers of consciousness - outer, inner and inner core. So, it acts as the strong motivator. Incomplete feeling regulates our neuro-chemical systems adversely.

Through such technique, person can overcome incomplete feeling. This does not mean that person will be totally complete. Incompleteness to complete and complete to incomplete is a recycle process that leads searching behaviour in our consciousness.


Hermis said…
Sir using this regression process is it scientifically possible to go back to one's past life,as shown by that TV programme?
Dear Hermis,

Thank you for your question.
Our consciousness is sometimes conceived as neurochemical substance. If so, past memories can be carried forward through DNA.
I am not sure about activation of DNA is possible through hypnotic suggestion.
Here is an article on memorizing past lives. One can find some statistical models used in parapsychology in this book.

Reference: Stevenson, Ian (1977). Reincarnation: Field studies and theoretical issues. In Benjamin B.Wolman (Ed.) Handbook of parapsychology. N.Y., Nostrand Reinhold Company.

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