
This happened in RKM, Rahara. Swami Punyananda maharaj, founder of RKM, Rahara and disciple of Brahamananda maharaj, disciple of Sri Ramakrishnadev suffered from Cancer. During the last moment, his student, Swami Nityanadamaharaj asked him " Swamiji, who are around you now ? " . Swamiji recalled names of all the disciples of Sri Ramakrishnadev including Sri Ramakrishnadev, Swami Vivekananda and Maa Sarada. Then he asked for water and left us forever. On that day, I was in RKM., Rahara.
Same incident happened in case of Swami Vivekananda. Sister Nivedita asked same question to Swamiji and Swamiji replied the same.


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