Welcome to the Division 8 of the NAOP


The Executive council members of NAOP held on 10/12/2012 at Christ University, Bangalore decided to bring out theme based publication periodically. It also decided that each division should have at least one significant activity in a calendar year (during annual convention of NAOP). Each division may plan a symposium and call for papers in July, six months before the annual convention and publish theme as a book by a reputed publisher to ensure quality. The members bestowed responsibility of this division to  Debdulal Dutta Roy, as the Division Convener of Psychological Assessment.


The division convener observes the followings:

1. Dependency on foreign test materials. 
2. Failure to tap Indian scenario in assessment of psychological construct. This happens due to overemphasis on psychological constructs conceptualized by the Non-Indians.
3. Over emphasis on hypothesis driven, experimentally controlled structured data rather on data driven, minimal controlled by researcher and randomized unstructured data.
4. Over emphasis on statistical software disregarding assessment of data quality or data fit with required statistics.
5. Relating to focused area, researchers paid less focus on scheduled tribes, untouchables, people under poverty and unorganized labor force like agricultural farmers.
6. Priority on experimental research specially on cognitive abilities rather on social experimental psychology to explore social cognition.
7. Emphasis on assessing structured rather unstructured variable like performing arts. 


The mission of the division VIII is to support and advance the science and practice of psychological assessment and to expand its scope of application and contribution to society at large in order to improve the quality of working life. Division 8 envisages following functions.

1.       To organize and sponsor different symposiums, workshops, seminars and round tables on issues of psychological assessment at regional and national conventions.

2.       To offer electronic news letter with the current development and news.

3.       To develop e- circle or listserv in order to discuss, announce and report about activities of the division.

4.       To foster and to promote psychological assessment across all the states of India. For the same it will make alliance with regional institutes and NGO’s.

5.       To establish and maintain liaison with State as well as Central Government , industrial organisation and institutes and departments with a view to enhancing employment and other service opportunities for psychologists and to be actively involved in the psychological assessment and application.

6.       To establish and maintain liaison and co-operate with national as well as international associations in matters of academic as well as professional matters.

7.       To endeavor for high ethical standard in teaching, research and professional services in psychological assessment. 

Guidelines for Symposium
A symposium should be composed by an introduction (300 words) and names of a chair to 
introduce the topic of the symposium, and of a discussant to introduce the general 

discussion. Each symposium will have three to maximum of four presenters. 


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