Conference on Instrumental music, 8.3.2017

Conference on Instrumental music enlightened me on few concepts - 1. Flow measure; 2. Music and Geography; 3. Ecofeminism; 4. Classroom teaching; 4. Instrument classification; 5. Music and community, 6. Survey research on Music modalities; 7. Positive and negative impact of Science and technology on music.
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D Dutta Roy Lok Giti varies with varies with soil....vaoia to be understood in North Bengal. be visited source place
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D Dutta Roy Science and technology is used for music preservation
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D Dutta Roy Design of auditorium
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D Dutta Roy Prof Agniva Bandopadhyay and Professor Gautam Ghosh ....jekhane kothar shesh sekhane music er shuru
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D Dutta Roy Dr. Nibedita presented instrument classification
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D Dutta Roy Beleaguered Banham is in tata
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D Dutta Roy Positive and negative impact of Science & Technology in music Teaching by Agnibeena
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D Dutta Roy Ecofeminism by Debasree Nandy...very much appropriate today's International Women's Day
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Debasree Nandy Thank you so much Sir
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D Dutta Roy Your paper is unique Debasree Nandy. Ecofeminism in music ke jadi paro instrument er sathe add korte paro provided we can classify them by music characteristics
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